June 17, 2010

Moving on up... to the Midwest side.

Midwest here we come!  Garrett and I will be making the big move out of Brooklyn later this summer.  We'll be heading to... (drum roll, please)... KANSAS CITY! Garrett was accepted into the History PhD program at University of Kansas and will be starting full-time this Fall. So - Rock, Chalk, Jay... Nope, sorry. Can't do it.  The Texas Longhorn inside me runs far too deep. But I am very excited for our new adventure!  As sad as we are to leave Brooklyn, it also feels like time to move on.

I've visited Kansas City a few times, and the place definitely did surprise me!  Here are some lovely photos of our soon-to-be new home:

a view of downtown's skyline

the plaza lights

one of the city's famous landmarks - Union Station

Also, I'll just go ahead and clear this up for all of y'all who haven't brushed up on your Midwest geography lately. Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS are the same city spread across state lines.  I know a lot of you were wondering. We'll most likely be living on the Missouri side.

We'll also be having some sort of going-away shindig in July to make sure we see all our NYC friends before we leave - so, stay tuned!


  1. Hey girlie! Just found your blog via gmail. So excited for you two. Holla Kansas City!

  2. Wishing you the best with your new adventure!! The city will miss y'all.

  3. We'll have to gchat about the joys of adjusting to a non-New York city. PS, it appears the halfway point (roughly) between K city and nola is Memphis. Not a bad meet-up spot if you ask me!
