March 07, 2011

Monday Hair Fun!

So, I've been loving these hair how-tos from A Cup of Jo. You will definitely want to bookmark these puppies!

Also, I've had some questions about my recent Curl Stick post.  I think people are wondering how it differs from a curling iron.  So, here's a photo of my hair from this weekend after I used it (please excuse the awkward self-portrait).  I'm still in love with the perfectly messy waves the Curl Stick creates!

Speaking of my hair, I've heard of a lot of brides cutting their hair post-wedding.  I'm not really growing my hair out for the wedding, just keeping it the length it's been for a while now (which is pretty loooong). I hadn't really thought about cutting my hair until I saw an article on Jennifer Aniston's new haircut!  I really like this longer bob look!  Adding this to the "Potential Haircuts" file...

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